Thursday 6 December 2012

Family contact

So it's December, and miraculously I exist again in the eyes of my family. After seeing S, and writing yesterday's blog I got two messages, one on facebook and the other on my old number which is barely turned on.
First was my brother's girlfriend and mother of his two kids. She invited my dad, dinky and I for christmas. As much as I wanted to tell her what was really on my mind, I was polite and said no thanks and gave her my dads number so my brother could ask himself. I phoned my dad late last night to ask if my brother had indeed phoned but apparently he had not. My grandad and his girlfriend have been pushing my brother to involve us more in his life despite my mother's hatred of us both (my dad and I). Both my dad and I are of the same opinion that when he decides something for himself hen we might think about it. I have my own problems with my brother which I won't go into detail with, but at the moment I probably couldn't be in his presence at the moment.
The second was from my grandad. He wants my address so he an send dinky a Christmas card with £20 in. I sent him a message back saying don't worry about sending dinky a card. He got the hump, so I sent him another saying that there is no point sending a card to a kid who doesn't even know who you are. I suppose I'm still a little sore from the fact he has knowingly gone past or very close to my place of residence on 6 occasions while flying out to australia from the local airport but not once did he arrange to see us. Nor does he phone or text unless it is a birthday or some drama is going down in the family and he wants my opinion or help.

I have remained strong. I won't be going up to see any of them, for the most part it is for dinky. She does not need to see the way my family treat me and god help them if they treat her that way! This is what I wanted to talk to S about yesterday but like I said she was preoccupied with her trip to america and her holiday reading dilemma.
I just have to be strong and not get twisted up in their stupid games and lives. We are better off without them!

Other than that, today there is not much to report. Still waiting for CAMHS, still waiting for the call from the well being centre, and everything else is going how it is going.

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