Friday 28 December 2012

How I have not mentioned the lump?

I've just read my last few posts and I can't believe I haven't mentioned the lump!
My head kind of puts things in boxes
Box 1- dinky related
Box 2- homelessness (bidding/hostel ect)
Box 3- the person who made us homeless and her mum
Box 4- my mental health
Box 5&6- my past
Box 7- my physical health

The order might go up and down but dinky is always at the top.

So right now I have lots going on. What with dinky's behaviour, her grandma, school, her play therapy, her referral to CAMHS which ended up being passed on to integrated services, my mental health nurse and going to the well being place, having to go back to work in feb, still being in the hostel, plus anything I may have missed... On top of that I found a lump in my breast in October. Went to the GP at the end of October, who told me to go back if the lump was still there after my next cycle, it was still there but my cycle didn't come until the end of November and I went back to the doc with the lump which was still there December 17th. Now I'm being referred to the breast clinic.
So yet another thing to deal with come January/february. I go to get tested to find out what this lump is. It is probably just a cyst and they should drain it. But that is not going to be the most comfortable of appointments. The same as the 2 breast examinations were not the most comfortable of appointments. Not because the lump hurts, which it doesn't. But because I had to whip my breasts out and have some female doc have her hands all over them. Not exactly conforming to my 'no one touches me but dinky' rule. Other examinations, knees, stomach, fine... Breasts and other intimate areas... Not so fine. Midwife appointments and child birth were very uncomfortable for me (aside from the obvious discomfort of being in labour!). They were not pleasant experiences and triggered a lot for me at the time. I guess spacing out for parts of the examinations got me through but I felt very vulnerable and as the counsellor from T2T said "showing vulnerablity seems to be a no no" for me, and she was right.

complicated or purely messed up life... I don't know.

I'm NOT one of those.. OMG I FOUND A LUMP IM GOING TO DIE! People. I'm more of a, oh so there is like a 10% chance or more that I have cancer... What implications does that have for me and dinky and our current situation... Quite a bit... Fuck it! I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I can't say that I haven't thought about the possibility on more than one occasion but it doesn't fill me with dread about death. Cancer is very survivable now days. So I will probably think about it every now and again but 10% chance is good odds in my favour. But then what are the odds of being in the situation I have found myself in? Swings and roundabouts! I have enough to keep me occupied at the moment to be fair!

So January shall be a very busy month.... Although I haven't decided what to do about the mental health nurse yet. I have so much on I might just give her one more chance. I haven't the energy right now to fight on all those fronts and confront her about her comments.

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