Sunday 20 January 2013

Sunday again.. What happened this week... What to do next week...

This week...

Wow, I have just been trying to remember what happened on what day and I cant believe it has only been a week! So much for 2013 being easier!

He main things that have come from this week...

Dinky "is a Special needs child" a direct quote from the deputy head who also happens to be the ANL (additional needs leader) who knows every child with SEN (special educational needs) that has been through the school in the time she has been there. Then there is the play therapist. Now I didn't put down the whole conversation we had, to be honest, it is difficult to process someone asking all these questions and you don't know if your answers are a good thing or bad thing. I'm more inclined to the bad things....
The play therapist asked if dinky had any toddler tendencies
Well, there is the baby whining (which drives me and my dad bonkers!)
The tantrums, they haven't been all that regular but can be violent
there is her obsession with putting things in her mouth. Especially small rubbery toys.

Then she asked what dinky was like around noise
Well she can get a bit funny, she never liked the Hoover, and puts her hands over her ears under bridges where trains pass over the top and sometimes throws tantrums.

The play therapist also said that dinky seemed to be off in her own little world a lot. She looked at me funny when I said dinky had always been like that, right from being little, she was always such an easy baby.

Then I started thinking more in it this weekend, what else sets dinky aside?
The fact she takes things literally, doesn't look me in the eye when I'm talking to her (It drives me mad), her rather deep fascination with space and her knowledge of space which is phenomenal given she was only 3 when she got into it and could tell you anything you never knew... Like what the rings of Saturn are made from, the fact that the sun is a star, why we get half moons and full moons. Plus at the age of 4 she showed up a bunch of secondary school kids on a trip to the museum by answering the question 'the rocket then goes around the earth, what is this called?' dinky whispers Orbit in my ear. Two kids get it wrong and dinky shouts out "ORBIT". Everyone is stunned but thinks I gave her the answer, except for the kids around us who heard dinky say it to me first.

Most of them separate, are things that you can pass off as one thing or another. Together, well. I never put it all together before. Does it mean she has a problem? I don't know. The risk assessment is another giveaway...The play therapist and the ANL think there is, and so does dinky's teacher. Maybe I should actually join them and admit maybe there is something going on with dinky that is not housing related.

Other than that I got my ultrasound appointment, and after knowing for 2weeks that snow was coming, buses, trains and schools come crashing to a halt! I'm pretty sure most of the other countries around the world are laughing so much at our inability to handle a little snow! I mean here it was about 3/4 cm, schools shut and buses not running to the school all over 3/4cms of snow.

So next week...

Monday... IF the school is open I am going to have a word with the ANL and the class teacher and see if we can do phonics in the library or in cherry blossom (small SEN room) and ask if it is possible to start a contact book.
Also check with the childminder as to who is having dinky Tuesday and bid for any houses that we are eligible for.

My ultrasound appointment at the hospital. I am dreading it both for the normal reasons and the flashback/intrusive memories reasons. (the normal reasons include the distinct possibility of being stabbed in the breast with a large needle!)

If I haven't received word from CMHT, I'm going to make an appointment with the GP.

Thursday... Not much planned

CAF form at the school...

And that is about it!
I'm trying to focus on dinky's issues
1) because I'm her mum and it's my job
2) because I feel guilty as hell that I didn't think there was an issue before
3) because I can't face my stuff at the moment and it doesn't help I'm in between mental health nurses at the moment
4) because it's probably the only thing that can be dealt with properly right now

Until my next post!

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